
In dit artikel bespreken we de plugin Essentials, dit is een must-have plugin voor je server en voegt handige dingen als: /fly, /gm, /god etc toe.


Stap 1 (Installatie):

  • Download de juiste versie van Essentials. Boven Minecraft 1.8 is dit EssentialsX, die kan je hier vinden.
  • Unzip het bestandje op je computer.
  • Zet de server tijdelijk uit
  • Upload de benodigde jars via een FTP connectie, wij raden je aan: Essentials X, Essentials Chat en Essentials Spawn te uploaden.
  • Zet de server weer aan, en voila Essentials is geinstalleerd.


Stap 2 (Configuratie):

In de standaard config van Essentials raden we je het aan het volgende te veranderen:


# A color code between 0-9 or a-f. Set to 'none' to disable.
ops-name-color: '4'

Verander dit naar: ops-name-color: 'none'
Dit zorgt ervoor dat mensen met OP geen kleur in de chat hebben.

  #- color
  #- balance
  #- buy
  #- sell
  #- trade
  #- free
  #- disposal
  #- warp
  #- kit
  #- mail
  #- enchant
  #- gamemode
  #- heal
  #- info
  #- spawnmob
  #- repair
  #- time
  #- weather

Haal hier alle # voor weg, dit zorgt ervoor dat alle sign optie's werken van Essentials.



# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                   EssentialsEco                      | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
#  For more information, visit
# Defines the balance with which new players begin. Defaults to 0.
starting-balance: 0
# worth-# defines the value of an item when it is sold to the server via /sell.
# These are now defined in worth.yml
# Defines the cost to use the given commands PER USE.
# Some commands like /repair have sub-costs, check the wiki for more information.
  # /example costs $1000 PER USE
  #example: 1000
  # /kit tools costs $1500 PER USE
  #kit-tools: 1500
# Set this to a currency symbol you want to use.
# Remember, if you want to use special characters in this document, 
# such as accented letters, you MUST save the file as UTF-8, not ANSI.
currency-symbol: '$'
# Set the maximum amount of money a player can have.
# The amount is always limited to 10 trillion because of the limitations of a java double.
max-money: 10000000000000
# Set the minimum amount of money a player can have (must be above the negative of max-money).
# Setting this to 0, will disable overdrafts/loans completely.  Users need '' perm to go below 0.
min-money: -10000
# Enable this to log all interactions with trade/buy/sell signs and sell command.
economy-log-enabled: false

Stel hier een start balans in, een currency-symbol, de maximum hoeveelheid geld die iemand kan bezitten en de minimum hoeveelheid geld die iemand kan bezitten.



# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                   EssentialsChat                     | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section requires the EssentialsChat.jar to work.

  # If EssentialsChat is installed, this will define how far a player's voice travels, in blocks.  Set to 0 to make all chat global.
  # Note that users with the "" permission will hear everything, regardless of this setting.
  # Users with can override this by prefixing text with an exclamation mark (!)
  # Users with can override this by prefixing text with a question mark (?)
  # You can add command costs for shout/question by adding chat-shout and chat-question to the command costs section."
  radius: 0
  # Chat formatting can be done in two ways, you can either define a standard format for all chat.
  # Or you can give a group specific chat format, to give some extra variation.
  # For more information of chat formatting, check out the wiki:
  format: '<{DISPLAYNAME}> {MESSAGE}'
  #format: '&7[{GROUP}]&r {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&r {MESSAGE}'
  #  Default: '{WORLDNAME} {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&r {MESSAGE}'
  #  Admins: '{WORLDNAME} &c[{GROUP}]&r {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&c {MESSAGE}'
  # If you are using group formats make sure to remove the '#' to allow the setting to be read.

Wij raden hier aan om het eerste chat format aan te passen naar bijvoorbeeld: format: '{DISPLAYNAME}: {MESSAGE}'

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |            Essentials Spawn / New Players            | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section requires essentialsspawn.jar to work.
  # Should we announce to the server when someone logs in for the first time?
  # If so, use this format, replacing {DISPLAYNAME} with the player name.
  # If not, set to ''
  #announce-format: ''
  announce-format: '&dWelcome {DISPLAYNAME}&d to the server!'
  # When we spawn for the first time, which spawnpoint do we use?
  # Set to "none" if you want to use the spawn point of the world.
  spawnpoint: newbies
  # Do we want to give users anything on first join? Set to '' to disable
  # This kit will be given regardless of cost and permissions, and will not trigger the kit delay.
  #kit: ''
  kit: tools
# Set this to lowest, if you want Multiverse to handle the respawning.
# Set this to high, if you want EssentialsSpawn to handle the respawning.
# Set this to highest, if you want to force EssentialsSpawn to handle the respawning.
respawn-listener-priority: high
# When users die, should they respawn at their first home or bed, instead of the spawnpoint?
respawn-at-home: false

In dit gedeelte kan je een nieuw welkoms bericht, spawnpoint en spawn-kit invullen voor nieuwe spelers. 

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